How is coffee consumed around the world ?
Every culture and every country has a different connection to coffee and its consumption! We tell you about coffee around the world 😉
What is coffee roasting ?
What is coffee roasting and how does it affect coffee once it’s in the cup? We give you the basics in this article 😉
Focus on cold brew coffee
Le Cold Brew est un café préparé à froid, il est pensé et effectué de manière à être savoureux et super rafraichissant !
(Good) cold coffee drinks
We’re warning you right now: cold coffee here doesn’t mean undrinkable coffee that’s been sitting around for too long.
Which coffee for which continent?
Different species of coffee are grown in different parts of the world. But how does this affect the taste?
What is specialty coffee?
At L’Occasion Café, we sell and promote specialty coffee. But what does that actually mean ? How does coffee become “speciality coffee” ?
Focus on Gesha: one of the world’s most expensive coffee beans
At L’Occasion Café, we love to tell you stories about coffee. We’re talking about Gesha, considered to be one of the most expensive coffees in the world.
SLOW COFFEE : How to make a good AeroPress coffee ?
Do you know all the different slow coffee methods? Here we talk about the aeropress, a manual piston coffee maker.
The origins of these flagship coffees : cappuccino, americano…
Let’s take a step back in time and discover the origins of drinks like espresso, cappuccino and americano!
The post-Holiday detox
Bloating and tummy aches make us miss the day before, but let’s not stop indulging! We tell you about these tasty, gourmet detox drinks!